Laravel Queued Cookies

Just a quick shout out to a not-so-documented feature of the Laravel/Symfony Cookie-bag.. Cookie::queued() allows you to retrieve cookies which were queued for creation on this request.…

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API Gateway timeout gotcha with AWS Lambda

At a company I've been working with, we have a set of some 33 odd or so Lambda functions that are triggered via Amazon's API Gateway. We recently discovered (the hard way!) about a unclearly documented limitation of using API gateway to trigger lambda functions. Per the Amazon documentation on the API Gateway Limits Integration timeout 50 milliseconds - 29 seconds for all integration types, including Lambda, Lambda proxy, HTTP, HTTP proxy, and AWS integrations. This can be somewhat conflicting if your new to lambda like I was, as the UI in Lambda has an option to configure the timeout…

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Vuejs Child component $refs - What are they good for?

Child component refs are somewhat documented in the offical documentation. But it doesn't really show you what or why you might need to do this. I have found that utilizting child component refs a somewhat edge case,but very useful. so creating them can be as simple as: $refs, while used on a normal HTML element will give you the DOM node, creating a ref on a component will give you direct access to its Vue instance allowing you to call methods, access properties etc. export default { methods: { callChildComponentMethod() { this.$refs.myCompInstance.deleteSomething(); }, accessChildComponentData() { this.$refs.myCompInstance.someDataField. } } } This can…

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Vuex made easy using vue-deepset

I have had the privilege of working with Vue + Vuex for about the last year or so. One of the more tediuous problems that I discovered early on with using these two libraries is that writing a getter and a setter for every form field and state value can get tedious!…

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